In the heart of every woman there is an ideal handbag. And if they have enough money, I bet they will surely splurge it over it. The bags from the famous luxury house of Gucci are always many women target.
This October, Gucci reveals 15 one-of-a-kind handbags that are exclusive only at Bergdorf Goodman. Bergdorf lilac signature color is used for each bag, with each having an engraved ucci loves Bergdorf?limited edition silver hangtag.
Presented above is the Gucci Python bag in Bergdorf lilac color, with huge fringe dangling at the silver buckle opening. It also has a flat shoulder strap and a top round handle in python, leather and silver combination. This bag weighs a hefty price of $3,995 for the medium size, while the large weighs in at $4,590.
The ucci loves Bergdorf?collection also features Gucci bag styles such as ysteria? ockey?and ndy?which are in patent and Guccissima leather. Crocodile, ostrich and other python materials are also available. The prices range from a more affordable price of $1,295 to a very expensive and luxurious $29,800. If you have bucks to burn, then go get one of these one-of-a-kind bags from Gucci.